乐园李老师 发表于 2014-7-4 13:31:23

看图说话,精美摄影 vegetables and plants in a whole new way

此信息最初是由Imagine Science Films分享的:

These MRI images let us see different fruits, vegetables and plants in a whole new way. Can you guess what's pictured below?

Find out here:http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/04/16/mri-images-fruit_n_5160944.html?utm_hp_ref=science&ir=Science#slide=3626524

乐园李老师 发表于 2014-7-4 14:38:44

These MRI核磁共振 images let us see different fruits, vegetables and plants in a whole new way. Can you guess what's pictured below?
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查看完整版本: 看图说话,精美摄影 vegetables and plants in a whole new way